Homeopathy Hangout with Eugénie Krüger
The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit www.eugeniekruger.com To learn about Homeopathy, visit https://rumble.com/v5761vh-homeopathyhome.html

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Welcome to day 7 of World Homeopathy Awareness week - where we’ve been releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann– who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the last day of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers who use Homeopathy
Today’s episode is with a gorgeous lady named Peiling. Peiling has used Homeopathy for many years and she is now also studying Homeopathy through Switch on Health. Listen to episode 35 of this podcast to find out more about this wonderful college where you can study Homeopathy in Australia. This episode with Peiling was recorded on a Zoom call we had and you’ll hear in the episode that Peiling actually ends up teaching me a trick or two. I honestly believe that our clients are our biggest teachers and I just want to take a moment to thank all my amazing clients of the past 10 years. You’ve all taught me so very much. Some I’ve only walked a short journey with and others for many years, but each of you are incredibly special to me and I’m always here when you need me.

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Welcome to day 6 of World Homeopathy Awareness week - where we’ll be releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann– who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the 4th of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers who use Homeopathy
Today you’ll hear from 2 very special mothers – Kathrin and Brooke. Here in Australia, Homeopathy is sadly not very well known. Believe me, I’m trying to fix that, but when you hear from somebody like Kathrin, who grew up in Germany – where homeopathy was born and where it is still used very widely even by medical doctors, it’s hard not to feel a bit sad about how far behind we are down under. I really hope these daily podcasts during Homeopathy awareness week, where you get to hear from real mothers telling their real stories of how homeopathy has helped them, will inspire you to try this amazing natural medicine for yourself.
And I’m so grateful to the lovely Brooke sharing her story with us as well. We were introduced to each other a couple of years ago through a fellow Kiwi, also named Brooke and it’s been an incredible journey seeing Brooke’s gorgeous little boy grow up and now having the pleasure of having met her beautiful little baby girl as well. This is absolutely the best part of my job – when I get to work with mothers during pre-conception, pregnancy and birth and then get to see this new little person entering the world and watching them thrive. So Kathrin and Brooke, thank you so much for sharing your stories with us. I know it’s going to inspire many other mothers to give homeopathy a try.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Welcome to day 5 of World Homeopathy Awareness week- where we’ll be releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann– who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the third of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers – and a couple of children – who use Homeopathy.
First up, you’ll hear from Kelly, who’s a chiropractor who also uses Homeopathy. Personally, I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for chiro’s because they do some great work and as you know, the clinic in Stoneville where I work, used to be run by a wonderful chiro and I also used to work in a chiropractic clinic in NZ, so I was very excited to have Kelly share her story with our listeners. You’ll also hear from 2 very special ladies who I’ve been working with for a couple of years – Nina and Ina. They are both now studying homeopathy through Switch on Health, which you can find more information about in episode 35 of this podcast.
And listen out for 2 very sweet little voices - Luke who’s 7yo and his sister Ahava who’s 5yo. Their clever Mummy Nadia has been using homeopathy with them for several year.
And we’ll finish off today’s episode with Kayla is an incredibly special lady who started working with an amazing Homeopath many years ago, who has since passed away. She really inspired Kayla to learn as much about Homeopathy as she could and this amazing Homeopath also left many of her remedies and books to Kayla. Kayla is absolutely passionate about Homeopathy and I’ll forever be indebted to her for the dozens of people she has referred to me. At one stage, the admin of a Facebook group messages me to ask if I was paying Kayla to share information about Homeopathy and I told her that no – Kayla is doing this all from the goodness of her heart. Homeopathy has helped her so much in her life and she wants to give back by sharing her knowledge with those who will benefit from it. Kayla is now also a creatrix Transformologist and through the profound transformations she’s made in her life and the incredible challenges she’s overcome using this program herself, she’s now able to help women change their lives through emotional healing. You can reach Kayla at https://www.facebook.com/heartfreenewme/

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Welcome to day 4 of World Homeopathy Awareness week- where we’ll be releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahneman – who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the second of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers – and a couple of children – who use Homeopathy.
You’ll hear from Belle – a Mumma who’s recently started helping other Mums to make homeopathic remedies from their own breastmilk. She was inspired after listening to my podcast episode – number 8 with Patricia Hatherly. You’ll also hear from Laura, who’s been USING Homeopathy since her pregnancy. You’ll hear from 5 year old Ariz, who’s clever Mummy Ayesha has been using Homeopathy with him. Then you’ll hear from empowered Mother Sarah, who has grown her collection of homeopathic remedies to over 100 in little over 2 ear’s time as her knowledge has continued to expand. Most of the Mama’s sent in audio clips for me via whatsapp but I was lucky to have had a chat with the Sarah via Zoom, so you’ll hear me pipe in there now andn again as well.. You’ll also hear from a good friend of mine the incredible Sandra Walker– who’s been using homeopathy for 11 years. Sandra helps people create the life that they desire by energetically clearing out the emotional baggage that is the current foundation for their reality. So check out Sandra Walkers’ details in the show notes to get in touch.
And Lucky last is Tammie – a busy Mumma of 2 gorgeous boys who uses homeopathy for a variety of different things. Tammie also shared an incredible story of how she used the remedy culex musca for mosquito bites for her son, but unfortunately the audio was really soft so we couldn’t use it, so you’re just going to have to take my word for it that it’s an awesome remedy.

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Welcome to day 3 of World Homeopathy Awareness week- where we’ll be releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann – who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the first of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers – and a couple of children – who use Homeopathy
Today you’ll hear from one of my lovely Assistants Amy – she has taken to Homeopathy like a duck to water and not only has she achieved wonderful results at home herself, but she’s helped so many other Mothers in their homeopathic journey. You’ll also hear from Beau – another empowered homeopathic Mumma who is also a midwife and has now gone on to study Homeopathy herself at Switch on Health – the only college in Australia where you cn study Homeopathy. You can find out more about them in episode 35 of this podcast. Watch this space
You’ll also hear from another Amy – a gorgeous and talented musical Mama I’ve been working with for a couple of years. Then you’ll hear from the lovely Lulu who is just one of the loveliest and kindest people you’ll ever meet. You’ll also hear from my bestie, Joanna. We actually did an awesome podcast episode together when I first started my podcast and she was sharing how in Switzerland, where she comes from, Homeopathy is available in all the pharmacies and prescribed by most of the medical doctors there. Unfortunately, the audio for that podcast wasn’t great and we never ended up using it, so I’m so glad Joanna was able to do a quick voice recording for me to add this to our Homeopathy Awareness week special.
Lucky last is the fabulous Lainey, who has not only used homoepathy successfully with her family, but also for their gorgeous doggy who is she has spent so much love and care in helping.

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Homeopath Barbara Roberts joined us in Episode 14 of this podcast and has agreed to come back, to share with us the love story of Samuel Hahnemann and his second wife, Melanie.
The Book Barbara refers to is "Homeopathic Love Story: The story of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann" by Roma Handley.
You can get in touch with Barbara:
Barbara Roberts, Homeopath on Facebook, www.homeopathbarbara.com
or barbara@homeopathbarbara.nz

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
10 April 1755 was the birth of Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of Homeopathy. We'll be releasing a daily podcast until 16 April, during World Homeopathy Awareness week from 10-16 April.Today, Eugenie will be reading parts of the book "Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of Homeopathic. Medicine" - by Trevor M Cook

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Anne Vervarcke is a Homeopath based in Ghent (Belgium). She established ‘The centre for Classical Homeopathy’ in Leuven, gives international trainings and seminars, is the writer of numerous publications and has a private clinic since 1989. More than twenty five years of research, teaching and clinical experience resulted in a personal style and vision, which Anne calls the Vital Approach (VA). Find more info on Anne at www.thewhiteroom.be

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.Ep 61: Lanthanides and Auto-immune disorders with Jan ScholtenJan Scholten is a well known medical doctor specialised in homeopathy, who has been practising for over 30 years. He is also heavily involved in research and has discovered the classification of Minerals and Plant remedies which has been added to our homeopathic materia medica. Jan Scholten has written many books. The most outstanding and well known are on his discoveries of the elements of the Periodic System. He has written about this topic in ‘Homeopathy and Minerals’, ‘Homeopathy and the elements’ and ‘Secret Lanthanides’. The book on Lanthanides illustrates the connection with auto-immune diseases.You can find out more about Jan at https://janscholten.com/

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Ep 60: Narayani Remedies with Nimisha Parekh
Nimisha studied internationally and has a degree in Pharmacology from Wits University South Africa. She studied both classical and practical homeopathy, starting with the College of Homeopathy in London and then completing her homeopathic studies from the College of Practical Homeopathy,(CPH) London, in 2003.
She was introduced to the Narayani remedies in her final year at CPH and then went on to start sharing what she had learned from her research from 2006. Narayani remedies have been around for over 55 years and are being used in over 70 countries.
Narayani Books and Remedies: www.narayaniremedies.com
Additional Banerji Book by Nimisha Parekh and remedies : www.buythebanerjiprotocols.com
E-courses by Nimisha Parekh (including the Narayani course) : www.transforminghomeopathy.simplero.com