Homeopathy Hangout with Eugénie Krüger
The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit www.eugeniekruger.com To learn about Homeopathy, visit https://rumble.com/v5761vh-homeopathyhome.html

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Do you know that homeopathy is now developing in Africa?
In today's episode, Rebecca will give us a tour of different homeopathy clinics in Africa and talk to some Africans who are helping their communities through homeopathic remedies. They'll also share their journey and some cases where homeopathic medicines helped them.
All about Rebecca StirrupHomeopath Rebecca Stirrup is the President of the NZ Homeopathic Society and has over 30 years of clinical experience. Rebecca has volunteered for an organization called Homeopathy for Health in Africa, since 2013, an organization set up by Jeremy and Camilly Sher, that provides free homeopathic healthcare to the people in parts of Africa, particularly those affected by AIDS. Homeopathy for Health in Africa is truly doing much-needed work and we ask that if you’re able to donate to this wonderful organization in any way, please visit www.homeopathyforhealthinafrica.org/.
Rebecca’s website is www.aklhomeopathy.co.nz.
Check out these episode highlights:03:37 - The Lady with AIDS's story05:37 - The Lady with Chronic Bladder Infection's story07:48 - A child suffering from Forsaken Syndrome09:37 - Sister Eda’s homeopathy journey and how homeopathy helped her and the community16:00 - People living with AIDS in Africa and what their lives look like17:18 - How Homeopathy works alongside the antiretrovirals20:19 - A child suffering from hemophiliac27:23 - Homeopathy clinic in Arusha, Africa29:50 - Homeopathic preparations from farmlands31:22 - How Arnica cures the people in Arusha33:37 - Cases that Rebecca saw during her 3 days stay in Africa36:32 - Conversation with Martha, a homeopathic organizer in Africa
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Are you feeling empowered about giving birth?
The process of preparing your body, mind, and spirit for becoming a mother, essentially, starts even before conception. Joining me today is Dr. Laura Brayton, and we will be talking about empowering pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.
All about Laura:Chiropractic College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Laura holds certifications in Chiropractic Pediatrics, Webster Technique for Breech Presentation, Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.), Craniopathy, BioEnergetics Practitioner, is an advanced level practitioner of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) and a Tupler Technique® trainer. She is the owner and founder of Hoboken Family Chiropractic + Wellness, in Hoboken, NJ. She is passionate about educating and empowering women from conscious conception, healthy pregnancy, empowered birth, and joyful motherhood to holistic health and lifestyle.
Follow her on FB and IG @drlaurabrayton and at www.drlaurabrayton.com for more information on her podcast, “Well-Adjusted Mama” and her preconception/fertility courses, Brayton Birth Method.
Check out these episode highlights:06:03 - How Laura was introduced to Homeopathy08:36 - What is Bioenergetic testing10:34 - Laura's homeopathic remedy experience13:59 - Deep cleansing process for a preconception woman15:08 - How does homeopathy help pregnant women16:04 - The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy19:02 - Babies' head scent can lessen aggression20:55 - Indications of nervous system stress in newborns22:15 - An empowered pregnant mom going into an empowered birth experience24:20 - The Brayton Birth Method
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Does homeopathy really help?
You will never know if you do not give it a try!
Homeopathy has been a great blessing for me and my family. Joining me today is Louise Bentley and we will be talking about her homeopathy journey, the methodologies in homeopathy, and everything about Miasms and Homeopathic Facial Analysis.
All about Louise:Louise has been practicing homeopathy since 1996. She graduated from the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy and has been the training and administrative manager since 2001. Alongside her partner, Grant Bentley, she has been instrumental in the development and promotion of the Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) system. This has included the production and editing of the four HFA books, the creation of HFA software, the development and management of the college’s three websites and clinical training program, and the management of the college’s online training program. She has recently hosted the Advanced Practitioner Course in homeopathy and HFA is now available online.
Check out these episode highlights:02:06 - How Louise was introduced to homeopathy03:46 - Methodologies in homeopathy06:32 - What is Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA)10:53 - The three primary miasms13:38 - Miasms remedies22:06 - What does “PANDAS” stands for25:10 - How much can homeopathy do
Tune in to learn more wisdom from Louise!
Get The HFA Workbookhttps://www.amazon.com/HFA-Workbook-Louise-Bentley/dp/B09BYDH444
Sign up to learn about HFA
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Are you looking for a great way to connect with others who share your values?
A community that can help you find answers to your questions and save you money and time?
In today's episode, I talk with Mary about how she started her Homeopathy Study Group, how she grew it to 40,000 members, and how the group helps each other.
About Mary Aspinwall
In the early 1990s, Mary designed a range of four internationally best-selling homeopathy kits, which are manufactured by Helios. She has spent the past 28 years educating the public about Homeopathy and holistic approaches to health through her magazine articles, videos, websites, and online courses.
For the past 6 years, she has run “Mary’s Homeopathy Study Group” on Facebook. It has over 40,000 enthusiastic members who support one another and share their love of this amazing healing art. You are most welcome to join. Mary offers many free educational resources to get you started at
Mary has a Zoom-based practice offering in-depth constitutional care plans to clients all over the world. You may contact her assistant, Lucy, for more details at support@maryaspinwall.com.
Episode Highlights:
01:44 - Mary’s journey to Homeopathy
11:02 - What prompted Mary to establish the Homeopathy Study Group, which has grown to 40,000 members
15:39 - Fantastic review from a lovely member of the Homeopathy Study Group
22:12 - The Homeopathy Study Group's rules and what keeps it going
32:39 - What is CLAMS
All the educational support that Mary mentions can be found here:
Join the Homeopathy Study Group
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link for my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Are homeopathic medicines safe?
In this episode, you will learn about Beau's wonderful adventure when she was exposed to homeopathy, as well as her success stories on how she was able to have really fantastic outcomes when practicing homeopathic remedies. In addition, she offers tips on how to fast advance your home prescribing skills if you are new to homeopathy.
Beau Wilson is a mum of three, a midwife, a childbirth educator and a homeopathy enthusiast. She has a Bachelor of Midwifery and a Masters in Primary Maternity Care and is currently studying to become a homeopath. Beau is now offering practical and holistic pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting education to mums to be in Perth, Western Australia.
Check out these episode highlights:01:56 - Does homeopathy actually help04:00 - The evidence of the positive effects of homeopathy06:20 - Homeopathic remedies can treat conditions such as prolapse and hemorrhoids09:00 - Common illnesses at home that can be treated with homeopathy17:32 - Beau's journey to becoming a midwife and how she made the decision28:07 - How to improve your home prescribing abilities quickly if you're new to homeopathy
Find out more about Beau and connect with her onhttps://www.birthtobaby.com.au/https://www.instagram.com/birthtobabyaus/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Here is the link for my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Are you a book lover?
Reading books is one of the best ways to learn new things and expand your horizons.
That is why I am obsessed with books!
Join me and my guest today, Linlee Jordan, as we discuss the incredible books she has for sale as well as the best homeopathic books she can recommend that are worth reading.
All about Linlee JordanLinlee Jordan is the Director of The Aurum Project for Homeopathy Research. She has been a homeopathic practitioner for 32 years and an educator with a Masters in Health Science Education and a background as a Registered Nurse. Linlee’s interest in research has propelled the Aurum Project now for 15 years and one of the main ways that the research group is funded is by running an online book barn selling new and secondhand books.
Episode Highlights:01:48 - How Linlee was introduced to Homeopathy03:59 - Homeopathic Drug Pictures by Margaret Tyler05:47 - Treat Your Child Yourself by Jon Gamble & Nyema Hermiston08:18 - A Homeopathic Guide To Partnership and Compatibility by Liz Lalor11:11 - The Levels of Health by George Vithoulkas15:39 - Homeopathic Guide for Travelers by Carola Roy and Ravi Roy16:46 - The Natural Medicine Guide For Travel Home by Richard Pitt19:39 - Homeopathy for Farm and Garden by Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj20:50 - Homeopathy for Plants by Christiane Maute21:45 - Homeopathic Physicians Guide To Lactation by Patricia Hatherly22:32 - Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory by William Boericke23:50 - Mastering Chronic Diseases Toxicity, Deficiency & Infection by Jon Gamble25:56 - Homeopathy Systematic Materia Medica by K. N. Mathur27:42 - The Lady's Manual of Homeopathic Treatment by Dr. Ruddock30:54 - About Linlee's homeopathy book shop
Find out more about Linlee and connect with her onhttps://aurumproject.org.au/https://www.linkedin.com/in/linlee-jordan-49145823
Access Linlee’s online book barn herehttps://aurumproject.org.au/store/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Here is the link for my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Giovanna Franklin PDHom is a wife and mother of two. When her youngest child was diagnosed with autism, she became determined to educate herself on the condition and all the possible treatments in order to help her son. Along the way, she found homeopathy and her son started his path to recovery.
After a four year training at Misha Norland’s School of Homeopathy, she became a full time homeopath and has been running a busy practice working with patients from all over the world.
Recently qualified as clinical supervisor, this year she also published a book on gemstone remedies: Gifts from the Earth-Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy (available on Amazon), which combines her life-long interest in gemstones with her passion for homeopathy.
For more information on Giovanna’s services and upcoming courses, go to: Homeopathyheal.co.uk
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Lauren is a caring and experienced family homeopath. She is experienced in treating children and babies. As a family homeopath, she also treats adults and the elderly.
Lauren first discovered the incredible benefits of homeopathy when her infant son developed eczema and rapidly recovered after homeopathic treatment. From that powerful introduction, Lauren decided to obtain a tertiary Bachelor of Health Science degree in Homeopathy from Australian College of Natural Medicine after her earlier training for nursing registration.
Lauren has been a member of the highly regarded Botanica Medicines team of practitioners in Melbourne for the past 20 years.
They have now moved online for their dispensary service and practitioners are re-locating.
However Lauren will continue consulting in person in Elwood in Melbourne with the support of the Botanica Medicines dispensary team.
In recent years Lauren has been using Homeopathic Detox Therapy developed by Ton Jansen from the Netherlands.
Additionally Lauren has been prescribing homeopathy for ancestral trauma based on the teachings of Colin Griffith from the UK
Lauren Allender Homeopath B.HSc.Hom.M.A.H.A., AROH Reg'd
2022 The year of potential and co-creation
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Paula qualified as a homeopath in 2004 and began work immediately specialising in the support of autism and autistic spectrum conditions. She completed additional training as a CEASE Therapist in 2010 and then also later trained with Ton Jansen in his detox method. She now weaves classical homeopathy with this amazing system of detoxification in order to remove toxic blocks so that classical remedies can work to their maximum effect. During this time she has had the privilege of working with countless wonderful families, and her work expanded to treating children with complex issues. A large part of Paula’s work includes supporting families with children and young adults with violent and challenging behaviour. Paula has personal experience of autism and complex health issues, and this has created a passion for and deep understanding of the difficult situation an increasing number of families find themselves in.
In 2013 Paula stumbled across an understanding called the Three Principles of Innate Health. This proved to be a defining moment in her life. Paula then did a year long Three Principles facilitator training with Ian Watson. She is now committed to sharing her understanding with others in order to facilitate a less stressful and more joyful experience of life. She feels blessed to say that her work really is her passion, and her life purpose is to share what she has seen and to support people to live abundant, joyful, peaceful lives – however insurmountable their life circumstances may seem.
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
*** WELCOME TO OUR 100th Episode of Homeopathy Hangout Podcast! Please support our sponsors on their social links below ***Today's super special guest is Miranda Castro - a British homeopath who has been practicing classical homeopathy since 1982.
She is author of the best-selling "The Complete Homeopathy Handbook" (over 500,000 copies sold), the much-loved Homeopathy for Mother and Baby and A Homeopathic Guide to Stress.
Miranda believes passionately that homeopathy is 'medicine for the people' and her writing reflects that: her numerous articles and her books have made classical homeopathy spectacularly accessible to the lay person (home prescriber?)—giving people the tools to accurately select healing remedies for themselves and their families.
She has the ability to communicate homeopathic topics in an engaging and accessible manner. Her infectious enthusiasm comes through in all her articles, lectures, webinars … and podcasts.
She moved to the US in 1994 and currently lives in Florida. She can be contacted at mirandacastro.comA big thank you to the sponsors for our 100th episode Celebration Party in Perth today. Please follow/like them and support them if you can. We are so grateful to them for making today's party super special!
- A Woman's touch Photography: instagram.com/awomanstouchphotography/or facebook.com/awomanstouchphotography
- Bite into Bliss: facebook.com/biteintothebliss or instagram.com/bitein2bliss/
- Classes Cakes and More: facebook.com/classescakesandmore or instagram.com/classescakesandmore/
- Chaga Health: instagram.com/chagahealth_au or Facebook.com/ChagaHealthAustralia
- Clean Minds - no socials, but Anna can be reached on 042 69 72 389 and produces healing stories, cleaning services and placenta prints
- Dinner Twist: facebook.com/dinnertwist or instagram.com/dinnertwist
- Cakealicious: facebook.com/CakealiciousWA or instagram.com/cakealicious58
- De Light Me Cocktail Cookies: instagram.com/de.light_me
- Em Energetic: instagram.com/em.energetic/ or facebook.com/em.energetic
- IconFit: facebook.com/iconfitaustralia or instagram.com/iconfitaustralia/
- Just Add Health: facebook.com/JustAddHealthStoneville or instagram.com/justaddhealth
- Heather & Co Floral Artisans: instagram.com/handco.perth/ or facebook.com/HCo-104044151916915
- Happy Patch Herbal and Healing: facebook.com/happypatchherbals or instagram.com/happy_patch_herbals/
- Little Miss Organic: instagram.com/little_miss_organic or facebook.com/LittleMissOrganic
- Little Miss Enjo: instagram.com/little_miss_enjo or facebook.com/LittleMissENJO
- Metta Chiropractic: instagram.com/mettachiropractichealth/ or facebook.com/MettaChiro/
- Macrocos Mish Intuitive Healer: facebook.com/MacrocosMish or instagram.com/macrocosmish
- Mother Me Postpartum Meal delivery: instagram.com/_motherme/ or facebook.com/mothermeperth/
- Nourished by Broth: facebook.com/Nourishedbybroth/
- Powder Candle: Instagram.com/powdercandleaustralia or facebook.com/PowderCandleAustralia
- The Milk Bar Candle Company:facebook.com/The-Milk-Bar-Candle-Co-102558728992862 or instagram.com/themilkbarcandleco
- The Conscious Caregiver: instagram.com/consciousmothersgroup
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.