Homeopathy Hangout with Eugénie Krüger

The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit www.eugeniekruger.com To learn about Homeopathy, visit https://rumble.com/v5761vh-homeopathyhome.html

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Friday Nov 11, 2022

How would you get homeopathy's amazing benefits to those who need them?
In this episode, Marcus will share their innovative approach to presenting homeopathy to the public through The Travelling Homeopaths Collective, a charity he started that offers acute homeopathic remedies to hundreds of festival goers across the UK.
Marcus Christo graduated from the College of Homoeopathy in June 1990. In the same year, he founded the "Travelling Homoeopaths Collective" (registered charity no. 1063247), which provides a drop in clinic and information service at outdoor events. In 1994, he became a member of the College of Homoeopathy and also became a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths. Pre Homoeopathy he worked in the catering industry in management, with one of his jobs being at the "Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital." He have presented lectures at various conferences for The Society of Homeopaths and Homeopathic Medical Association and have  developed the hugely successful training day for 'Travelling Homoeopaths Collective'During 1999, he was asked to lecture at what has become Salisbury Homoeopathic College, and he left in 2003 to take up freelance lecturing throughout the UK.
Check out these episode highlights:01:22 - How Marcus got started in homeopathy04:08 - The introduction of homeopathy in the UK14:33 - What sort of complaints being treated at the festival15:10 - How is acute prescribing different to chronic prescribing21:20 - The concept of street clinics in the UK25:54 - What is Present Child and what services does it provide
Connect with MarcusWebsite: http://www.marcuschristo.co.uk/https://thc.org.uk/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Nov 07, 2022

How can you help people who are stuck in chronic patterns of psychological and emotional suffering?
In this episode, Ian will discuss the guiding ideas of the late Sydney Banks' program, known as The Three Principles. The program's guiding principles are based on the idea that everyone has an underlying capacity for resilience and well-being and that happiness and wellbeing are the natural states of all human beings. Ian will also share with us how to restore our natural state of wellbeing from harmful habits and behaviors that develop in response to internal distress.
Ian Watson is a transformational educator and trainer, specializing in an understanding of the principles behind innate wellbeing and resilience known as the "three principles paradigm." Ian has almost thirty years experience as an educator and facilitator in the field of wellbeing and innate health. His work is designed to be transformational rather than informational, as it is only through a person's own insight and realization that deep and sustainable change can occur. He has worked in the field of wellbeing and personal transformation since 1988. He  began his journey as a teenager, exploring the healing power of herbs, flower essences, and homeopathy. He went on to train as a homeopath, and in 1993, I founded The Lakeland College, which provided professional training in homeopathy and related healing modalities. His work enables people to disconnect from the noisy chatter of their busy minds, and reconnect to the inner source of calm presence, creativity, and inner wisdom that resides within everyone. As Founder of The Insight Space, Ian also professionally trains and mentors people to facilitate and educate others in the innate resilience principles of the mind. 
Check out these episode highlights:06:30 - The other dimension of healing14:52 - What is the sole factor that truly changes people12:36 - The missing link to our physical and emotional healing16:07 - The significance of insight in physical and mental health24:32 - Every human being is sitting in the middle of mental health25:30 - The innocent misuse of the gift of thought27:54 -  The three principles that create and govern the human experience35:56 - What exactly is consciousness and why it is significant
Connect with IanWebsite: https://www.theinsightspace.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theinsightspaceLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ian-watson-insight-space/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Nov 04, 2022

Leiah Golden is a passionate advocate in all areas of health and wellbeing. As an allied health practitioner and owner of a busy natural medicine clinic, she can see the urgency in the need to change the government’s current medical model.
Moving away from a system that only manages disease, to a more feasible health creation system which takes a preventative approach in reducing chronic disease through adequate nutrition & exercise, mental health support, natural medicine and allied therapies. She strives to help create a naturally healthier world for her two young children to grow up and flourish in.
2:10 Leiah speaks of the combination remedies she used to help with symptoms of covid
7:45: Arsenicum album as the genus epidemicus for Covid
11:23: Narayani Removal of entities for post covid
13:55: Falcon given for lockdown
14:40 Death’s head hawkmoth for forced medical procedure
17:07 vaccine reactions
28:00 It’s of benefit doing the detox a second time
31:18 Contact your Homeopath if you’ve had a vaccine reaction
HAP candidate page
Health Australia Party Facebook page: 
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Friday Nov 04, 2022

Dr Isaac Golden co-founded the Health Australia Party in July 2015 with 5 colleagues. A major intention was to protect Australians’ freedom to choose the type of healthcare they wanted, given the growing attacks on natural medicine, its practitioners, as well as integrative doctors who wanted freedom to practice as they felt best for each patient.
In this episode Dr Isaac speaks of Health Australia's vision to not only improve the health of Australians, but also the health of the economy and the health of our land...a truly wholistic way of looking at healing our country. Find out more about Health Australia Party here: https://www.healthaustraliaparty.com.au/2022-victorian-state-election/Follow their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=health%20australia%20party
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Friday Nov 04, 2022

Are you interested in learning the main cause and relevance of the physical symptoms we experience?
In this episode, Koby will share with us how our physical symptoms are an expression of a subconscious imbalance and how we can utilize homeopathy to help us mature and evolve to a level where we can cure these imbalances, which will then improve our physical health.
Koby is a certified therapist in classical homeopathy (a graduate of George Vithoulkas’ International Academy of Classical Homeopathy) and Chinese medicine. During his career, he also studied additional methods of treatment, including Tibetan medicine and Ayurveda-Indian medicine. As a practitioner, he also worked and studied in various countries as a member of medical delegations to Africa, as well as in England and New York. Today, as part of an innovative project to establish a medical center in Spain specializing in natural healing methods, Koby is training its team of classical homeopathic therapists.
Check out these episode highlights:03:19 - How did Koby initially become acquainted with homeopathy05:14 - What is the mystery behind water11:01 - What is homeopathy like in Israel17:11 - The significant advantage of incorporating homeopathy into the public health system21:15 - Physical symptoms are spiritually and emotionally rooted, not physically based30:03 - Any given symptom has a deeper spiritual significance33:36 - The result of addressing the physical symptoms without addressing the underlying emotional reality35:00 - How can a homeopathic remedy provide the patient the maturity they need to handle future problems36:50 - The consequence of receiving knowledge with an impure mind44:51 - The value of homeopathy in providing clues as to where our life's journey has become blocked
Connect with KobyWebsite: https://kobynehushtan.co.il/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Oct 31, 2022

If you’ve watched Frozen 2, do you believe that water has a memory?
Today's episode will cover Veda Austin's astounding discovery in her study of how water intelligently responds to human consciousness by using its building elements of ice to construct identifiable images. She will also provide some information to understand the mechanism by which homeopathy works.
Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist, and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years to observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the universe.
Her primary area of focus is photographing water in its "state of creation," the space between liquid and ice. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
Check out these episode highlights:03:24 - Veda’s background and how she got into homeopathy06:33 - How quantum physics is bringing in other subtle areas of physics that hadn’t been explained before13:20 - What is the fourth phase of water20:22 - The water contains a light source22:21 - How to use people’s photographs to create images24:57 - Tears are expression of your spirit32:32 - Everything contains some form of information and energy39:52 - Veda's amazing experience with homeopathy41:11 - How did Veda connect her work as a water researcher to homeopathy44:2 - The distinction between caged eggs and free range eggs47:09 - If we heal ourselves we heal others50:17 - Our consciousness have an impact on the water51:35 - Why Veda uses spring water instead of distilled water for her studies55:38 - The two types of water01:04:17 - How to learn more about Veda’s services
Connect with VedaWebsite: https://www.vedaaustin.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waterresearcher/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vedaaustin_water/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Oct 28, 2022

Are you willing to experience the wonder of homeopathy for yourself?
Today's episode will talk about Racheal’s success stories of how she became an empowered home prescriber using homeopathy. She will talk about the positive aspects that homeopathy has had on her, her family, and even the staff and customers of her own cafe.
Racheal Koning is the co-founder and co-owner of a busy wholefood cafe in New South Wales, Australia called Heart and Soul WholeFood Cafe. Only 18 months ago, she was burnt out and desperate when she finally went to a homeopath for the first time. Since then, she has become an empowered home prescriber, using homeopathy in her home to help herself, her husband, and her children, and even making helpful remedy suggestions to her staff and the customers at her cafe. She is on a mission to share homeopathy  & empower as many people as possible. She’s so in love with this beautiful healing modality that she registered to study homeopathy.
Check out these episode highlights:01:26 - How did Racheal first get into homeopathy03:57 - Racheal’s asthma journey with homeopathy06:39 - What other things did she use homeopathy for at home07:27 - Racheal's toughest experience with her husband and how homeopathy assisted them in overcoming it15:13 - How to deal with an ear infection18:34 - Symptoms aren't our enemy but are the body’s way of speaking to us23:55 - Racheal's stories of homeopathy at her own cafe28:49 - The secret to Rachael’s success as a homeopathic prescriber
Know more about Rachealhttps://www.cafeheartandsoul.com.au/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Oct 24, 2022

How much do you actually know about doing high-level trituration?
Today's episode will focus on Paul's fascinating work in the field of trituration. He will illustrate why it's crucial for homeopaths to go beyond the standard C3 and C4 in triturating in order to elicit a deeper and more complex symptom picture and, ultimately, to help our patients more effectively.
Dr. Paul Anderson Theriault, BSc, ND, VNMI is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He attended the University of Calgary, graduating with a BSc in Biological Science with a minor in Cultural Anthropology in 2006, and from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2010. His practice focuses on general family practice, with a focus on digestive disorders, chronic infections, mental emotional disorders, detoxification, medical and drug injuries, cease therapy, diabetes and hormonal health. He is the author of several books on Homeopathy and is an active triturator, exploring many new remedies within Homeopathy. He regularly conducts Immersion workshops based on the remedies he has created, and is willing to conduct workshops wherever enough attendees are available to cover the costs of travel and lodgings.
Check out these episode highlights:01:29 - How did Paul become acquainted with homeopathy04:31 - What does trituration mean08:21 - How does trituration affect remedy quality09:08 - Why did Paul describe trituration a cosmic event09:56 - What kinds of remedies is Paul now creating11:37 - Why it's important to carry out a high level of trituration14:53 - What is Paul's message to the homeopathic community which may be a little skeptical about the higher levels of trituration16:37 - The different potency scales and their various effects20:26 - What is Vitalist Immunology23:56 - How could Paul keep so positive when a lot of homeopaths was freaking out when the covid vaccine was introduced33:21 - What  are some of the blockages you need to look for in patients and how it can affect their healing and vital force
Know more about Dr Paulhttp://www.drpaultheriault.com/
He can be reached at drpaultheriault.nd@gmail.com
You can access all his published writings and books athttp://www.drpaultheriault.com/publications/You can also find his books and ebooks at his author spotlight at:http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/drpaulandersontheriault
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Oct 21, 2022

Are you looking for the world's leading provider of homeopathic software solutions?
Today's episode we will listen to a recorded interview of Dr. Frederik Schroyens about how he came about creating the synthesis repertory and the radaropus homeopathic software. We will also go into the background of how it all began, including their amazing journey of advancements and difficulties encountered along the road.
Dr Frederik Schroyens, MD, is a 1977 medical graduate of the State University of Gent (Belgium) and a 1978 graduate of the one-year Homeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homeopathy in London (FFHom). He is the founding president and teacher of the first Flemish School for Classical Homeopathy, VSU in Gent, Belgium. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the RadarOpus project and the Editor of Synthesis, the renown homeopathic Repertory. Dr. Schroyens published an introduction to homeopathy in 1984 in Dutch, which has been translated into French and Portuguese. In 1993 he edited the printed version of the Synthesis Repertory, the expanded repertory linked to the Radar project. A computer version of Synthesis exists in seven languages. This has also been printed in German, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Translations into various other languages are ongoing.
Check out these episode highlights:02:49 - How was Dr. Frederik first introduced to homeopathy06:02 - Dr. Frederik's first repertory that he studied on06:43 - What led to the creation of the Radaropus project14:59 - The progress and challenges encountered during the first steps of releasing and printing the synthesis16:51 - The happy days of homeopathy19:39 - Dr. Frederik's most notable accomplishment in terms of synthesis as a product30:00 - What was the biggest challenge in developing the program34:47 - Finding the right person to lead the company40:58 - The first repertory in which families are incorporated48:23 - What are the advantages of the new database49:34 - How the linking of the remedies work from synthesis to Materia Medica50:12 -  Speed versus increased functionality
Connect with Dr FrederikWebsite: https://www.radaropus.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Schroyens.Frederik/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022

Every Homeopath is unique in how they take a case and how they prescribe. I am no different :)
This is an episode I've been wanting to put together for a long time. It's dedicated to all my amazing clients and I hope it will give you an insight into how you can make the most of your time with me and how - together - we can achieve your health goals.You can reach me at info@eugeniekruger.com or visit my website at www.eugeniekruger.com
Thanks for listening!
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

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