Homeopathy Hangout with Eugénie Krüger

The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit www.eugeniekruger.com To learn about Homeopathy, visit https://rumble.com/v5761vh-homeopathyhome.html

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Monday Dec 05, 2022

Want to know more about the various methods of prescribing homeopathic remedies?
Join us for our newest episode as Dr. Ikram Manzoor describes his approach to what he called the basis of prescribing diagnostic concerns and how he administers remedies by employing an antidote for the illness' underlying cause.
Dr. Ikram Manzoor is a biochemist with a master's in public health and has practiced as a licensed homeopathic medicine practitioner since 2016 in District Nowshera, Pakistan. He is a visiting lecturer at Sarhad Homeopathic Medical College in Nowshera District and has taught homeopathy at the same college since 2014.
Check out these episode highlights:
01:30 - How he got into homeopathy
03:26 - Miasm as the first  base of prescribing
05:15 - The second basis of prescribing diagnostic concern called purely causation
05:41 - Dr. Ikram's remedy for abdominal pain
09:24 - Constitution and temperament as the third basis of prescribing
12:18 - The fourth basis for prescribing is sign and symptom
13:46 - The fifth basis for prescribing is modality
17:54 - How do you create a case for an allergy
18:53 - How to stop having intense sugar and carb cravings
20:50 - You can't help a disease if you don't grasp its pathophysiology
Know more about Dr. Ikram Manzoor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Ikram-Manzoor/100033715093345
Email: Ikramhomeopath92@gmail.com
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Dec 02, 2022

Have you ever thought about what we need to understand regarding the use of LM potencies?
Join us for our latest episode, in which Gabriel will discuss his practice, which is based on homeopathic potencies known as LMs, and its various benefits, as well as his wonderful experience practicing homeopathy and his idea of sharing this knowledge with native Amazonians.
Gabriel Cambraia Neiva, Ph.D., RSHom, is a homeopath who graduated from the North West College of Homeopathy in Manchester. Following the principles of classical homeopathy, Gabriel has been treating children and adults for the last few years, both in the United Kingdom and in Brazil. From mental health to respiratory and skin complaints, Gabriel supports patients to achieve better health during chronic and acute conditions. Gabriel also offers workshops on homeopathic prescribing. He is a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths, UK, where his practice is based. Gabriel's practice is mostly based on homeopathic potencies called LMs, which are gentle, water-based remedies. According to the father of homeopathy, the physician Samuel Hahnemann, these remedies are the ones most perfected, as there are hardly any aggravations. Reactions are seen faster, and the duration of treatment is drastically reduced. Although usually prescribing one remedy at a time, according to the classical science of homeopathy, there are cases in which support remedies might be needed - these are usually prescribed in lower, centesimal potencies.
Check out these episode highlights:
02:09 - How was Gabriel first introduced to homeopathy
03:21 - His incredible story of how homeopathy helped his son
05:15 - What sparked his interest in LM potencies
11:49 - The usual successful treatment with LMs
13:27 - The various advantages of using LM potencies
16:48 - The ideal starting point in using LMs
18:53 - The proper way of administering LMs
27:44 - Homeopathy as a first line of healthcare in Brazil
30:01 - Homeopathy and shamanism in the Amazon
Know more about Gabriel
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Nov 28, 2022

How can homeopathy enable you to reach a higher state of being?
Join us for our newest episode, where Alize will share her distinct perspective on homeopathy along with her broad understanding of both new remedies and trituration principles.
Alize Timmerman started her career in biochemical research, working in hospitals in the Netherlands and Norway and at the University of Amsterdam. Later on, she studied Naturopathic Medicine and Homoeopathy, started practicing in 1981, and began lecturing in 1986. She is the founder (1988) and director of the Hahnemann Institute of the Netherlands. Alize lectures all over the world, combining her unique insights in homeopathy and psychology with a special talent for didactics and presentation. The Hahnemann Institute of the Netherlands, inspired by Jürgen Becker, started provings and triturations in the nineties; in this way, a vast amount of knowledge on both new remedies and the trituration principle has been acquired. She has a busy practice where she works closely with six colleagues, developing new treatment strategies and refining homeopathic treatment. She is inspired by Hahnemann and practices classical homeopathy.
Check out these episode highlights:01:24 - Alize's first introduction to homeopathy08:15 - How homeopathy became a part of their family14:48 - You need to believe in the power of spiritual forces19:51 - What is systemic homeopathy30:01 - When you go further you come to this feeling of wholeness with the world34:55 - Every problem in the world is a problem in nature39:33 - How do titrations deepen your perception42:27 - Homeopathy is the answer for everything45:57 - Unvaccinated children respond better to homeopathic remedies than vaccinated children48:44 - The Black Madonna53:40 - Unconditional love means no judgment
Know more about Alizehttps://www.hahnemanninstituut.nl/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Nov 25, 2022

Have you ever thought about what else you might be able to do for a patient at your clinic that you are really stuck with?
In today's episode, we'll talk about the new homeopathic treatment approach known as the Banerji protocols, which was developed and popularized by the late Dr. Pareshnath Banerji. Nimisha will assist in delving into and broadening our minds even more about specialized homeopathic treatments for diseases based on symptoms in addition to the typical practice in classical homeopathy.
Nimisha Parekh graduated from the College of Practical Homeopathy in the UK in 2003. She specializes in the Narayani Remedies and Banerji Protocols and runs courses on these as well as other topics in homeopathy. She has written three books – one on the Narayani Remedies and two on the Banerji Protocols – Additional Banerji Protocols from the Clinic and Materia Medica - Remedies of the Banerji Protocols. The latter was launched at the JAHC 2022 in Reston, Virginia. This Materia Medica attempts to explain the use of the carefully-chosen remedies in the protocols, and the information is limited to the symptoms and spheres of action of these remedies in the Banerji Protocols. 
Check out these episode highlights:
04:57 - First introduction to the Banerji protocols
15:21 - How does the Banerji protocols came about
21:03 - How can Banerji protocols be used by practitioners and home users
23:32 - What materia medica really means
29:58 - The additional protocols from the clinic book
32:17 - The importance of understanding the protocols and why they are used
34:27 - How do you know if you’re using the right remedies
Link for Banerji Books by Nimisha Parekh: www.narayaniremedies.com
E-courses:  www.transforminghomeopathy.simplero.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/transforminghomeopathy
The complete index and sample page can be seen on the website – www.narayaniremedies.com. Please click on "books" and scroll down. To purchase the book, you need to register on the website.
This book came about from my quest for learning and understanding the Banerji Protocols rather than just using them blindly. The Banerji doctors were such experienced homeopaths that it was intimidating to ask them why a certain remedy was in a protocol. When asked, they would simply reply that it was from their years of experience. I remember asking Dr Prasanta a question when we were together at a conference in Germany - he kindly laughed and said, "Do you want me to teach you homeopathy?" This inspired me to start digging through my collection of homeopathic books, nothing comparable to the large library at the Banerji home. It has been an interesting journey and brought about the realization of how little I know! I have limited the symptoms and spheres of action in most cases to the use of the remedy in the Banerji Protocol so as not to create yet another voluminous Materia Medica. Where possible, I have included some tips and interesting information. Over 200 remedies and combination remedies have been discussed. I am everlastingly thankful to both Dr Prasanta Banerji and Dr Pratip Banerji for their generosity and kindness during my visits to the Banerji Clinic in Kolkata.
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

Today’s episode is a little bit different and more geared towards the Homeopaths. It is a recording of a very special lecture on Remedy Provings by Misha Norland and 2 of his sons, Mani and Luke Norland from just over a year ago, not long before the much loved Misha’s passing.
The recording jumps straight into Luke’s talk on the proving of the remedy Serotonin. Then Misha speaks on the proving of Lightning. The recording finishes off with Misha’s talk on the proving of Aids.
The school of homeopathy is well known for the amazing work they do on proving new remedies and if you’d like to purchase their provings book, you can do so at www.schoolofhealth.com/books/a-celebration-of-provings/
And if you’re interested in studying with the School of homoepathy, visit. www.homeopathyschool.com 
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

What significance does homeopathy play in epidemics?
In this episode, we'll discuss Jeremy's new children's book, which will be released before the end of the year. We'll also talk about his outstanding work in homeopathy, how homeopathy is evolving and being very helpful in pandemics, the mandemics, vaccine injuries, and what homeopathic proving truly teaches us.
Jeremy Sherr is the founder of Homeopathy for Health in Africa (HHA), and has been treating people with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania since 2008. Jeremy began his homeopathic studies in 1980 at the College of Homoeopathy, London, and simultaneously completed a degree in Acupuncture at the International College of Oriental Medicine. In 1986 he founded the Dynamis School, the longest running post-graduate homeopathy course in the world. Jeremy has taught and lectured in over 30 countries and is responsible for the proving (testing) of 35 new homeopathic remedies. He has published numerous articles and books, including The Dynamic Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings and Dynamic Materia Medica of Syphilis, which are all homeopathic bestsellers and are used as textbooks in many schools. Jeremy was awarded a Fellowship by the Society of Homeopaths in 1991 and both Medicina Alternativa and Pioneer University have awarded him a Ph.D. He is a member of the North American Society of Homeopaths, the Israeli Society for Classical Homeopathy, an honorary professor at Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China, and an associate Professor at University Candegabe, Argentina.
Check out these episode highlights:03:11 - First introduction to homeopathy07:31 - Books that’s good for kids14:42 - The philosophy of epidemics16:24 - Synthesizing an epidemic's symptoms into a single concept22:15 - Why modern medicine can’t cure AIDS23:51 - Adapting homeopathic software to the modern world25:54 - How homeopathy is adapting to epidemics31:08 - The third big epidemic - mandemic32:40 - Vaccine injuries as an epidemic42:20 - Why is treating a mandemic more difficult than a pandemic55:44 - The seven R57:27 - A professional homeopath must be involved in proving01:00:02 - What does homeopathic proving teach us01:01:58 - The best remedy for infertility01:08:16 - The downside of perfection01:18:50 - Jeremey’s poem called Homeo-shamanism
Connect with Jeremyhttps://homeopathyforhealthinafrica.org/https://www.dynamis.edu/
Here is the link to have access to a huge selection of Jeremy's workhttps://www.patreon.com/JEREMYSHERR
Connect with Lizliz@dynamis.edu
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

Do you want to find out more about veterinary homeopathy?
This episode will discuss Geoff's incredible journey as a veterinary homeopath. Aside from his several veterinary practices, he will also discuss how his love and enthusiasm for homeopathy have evolved since the day he first learned about it.
Jeff Johnson is a sought-after homeopathy teacher and lecturer, widely recognized nationally and internationally. He teaches the vets in Bristol, wrote the curriculum, and set up the Danish Veterinary School with Lise Hansen. He teaches routinely at three UK homeopathic colleges and has been a visiting lecturer at most of the others. He was one of the founding vets of the Homeopathy at Welly Level school, which has now trained over 350 farmers. He started the Animal Energy UK homeopathic veterinary conferences (now in their 21st year) and has helped organize ten of these. He has studied extensively with many of the world's leading homeopaths, particularly the Joshis, Sherr, Sankaran, Scholten, and David Lilley.
Check out these episode highlights:
02:32 - Geoff’s first introduction to homeopathy
07:01 - The more advanced science gets the closer it gets to the spirituality
16:31 - Why is homeopathy more difficult than conventional medicine
22:18 - Animals share every single emotion that we have
25:15 - The fear of losing control and the need to let go
30:15 - How homeopathy broadens our thinking
33:26 - The Taj Mahal and the Prince
39:17 - Open mindedness is our greatest gift and our greatest curse
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Nov 21, 2022

Want to learn more about other aspects of alternative medicine and how they can benefit us?
In this episode, we'll talk about Dr. Gabriel’s incredible work in homeopathy and medical astrology. He will also discuss how he first learned about medical astrology and how the fundamental energies that the planets represent improved his understanding of how humans' health works.
Dr. Gabriel Blass is a homeopathic doctor and has been involved with homeopathic medicine since 1987. He graduated with honors in pathology in 1986 and in medicine with commendation from the University of Glasgow in 1988. He has been in practice in Glasgow since 1998, prescribing solely homeopathic remedies. He has a keen interest in medical astrology, and he has run numerous seminars on the subject for the last 14 years. In addition to his clinical practice, he has given many presentations in an attempt to disseminate awareness of and understanding of homeopathy to doctors, other health care professionals, and the public, as well as being involved in student supervision and the translation of articles from Spanish-speaking homeopathic journals.
Check out these episode highlights:
02:03 - Dr. Gabriel’s journey to homeopathy
03:01 - Capturing the essence of alternative medicine
08:36 - How he first became acquainted in astrology
10:17 - What’s a Natal Chart
11:15 - Astrology and its connection to human health
25:13 - Fire, earth, air, and water are not as isolated as we think
28:05 - Your body is within your soul
34:38 - What does a typical Dr. Gabriel consultation look like
39:15 - The ultimate goal of medical astrology
42.36 - Dr. Gabriel’s hope for the future of homeopathy
Connect with Dr. Gabriel
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode.
Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:
Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s
Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Nov 18, 2022

Are you interested in the amazing and fascinating aspects of homeopathy?
In this episode, Mani will tell us more about the School of Homeopathy, the largest school of homeopathy in the UK. He will also share with us all the amazing and exciting aspects of practicing homeopathy.
Mani Norland is the principal at the School of Homeopathy. He is Misha Norland's eldest son and grew up with homeopathy all around him. He trained with the school and practices from his clinic in Stroud. He develops and manages the school in conjunction with members of the core team. Other responsibilities include interviewing students, creating the teaching schedule, preparing teaching materials, hiring teachers and staff, and running the school clinic. In addition, he is responsible for the school's brand, marketing, and promotion. Mani is also the managing director of The School of Health (formerly Alternative Training), a business that manages home study courses and books. Mani is a founding member of the Homeopathy Course Providers Forum and a founding member of Homeopathy (the pro homeopathy group of 11 organizations in the UK). With this group, Mani has been instrumental in the re-branding of homeopathy in the UK with the development of a new logo, celebrity campaigns, and media intervention. Mani also teaches students in the 4th year about setting up in practice. In his ‘other life’ Mani worked in London as a brand and business consultant for over 10 years. He advised board level directors on business creation, vision, and image. Mani is passionate about the positive promotion of homeopathy to the general public, has written many consumer facing articles on homeopathy, and has been interviewed on BBC radio several times.
Check out these episode highlights:02:37 - First introduction to homeopathy06:51 - The school of homeopathy10:46 - What’s it like to work in the world of homeopathy13:04 - Types of people that come to the school of homeopathy20:29 - The best thing about being a homeopath23:57  - What it’s like to study homeopathy25:36 - Kinds of courses being offered35:49 - What can students do after they’ve qualified
Connect with Manihttps://www.homeopathyschool.com/https://www.schoolofhealth.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Nov 14, 2022

What exactly is autopathy and how can we benefit from it?
In this episode, Jiri will discuss the autopathic principle that demonstrates its ability to remove or markedly improve chronic or recurring problems. He also discusses the device he developed for dependable autopathic dilution preparation at home.
Jiri Cehovsky, M.A. has been practicing homeopathy since 1980 in Prague. He discovered autopathy and started using it systematically in 2002. He was the first to describe it in his articles and books published in English, German, and Czech. Some elements of his method were nonetheless used earlier. Jiri Cehovsky had found some mentions of them in old Indian Upanishads, in the history of yoga and Buddhism, and mainly in homeopathy; however, in 2002 he introduced autopathy as a comprehensive system of healing. He designed the Autopathy Bottle, an instrument for reliable preparation of the autopathic dilution at home. His widely known books are Autopathy – a Homeopathic Journey to Harmony was published also in  Germany, USA and Great Britain. His recent books are Get Well with Autopathy and The Autopathy Handbook. He published many articles in Czech and international journals. He is co-author of the Czech homeopathic diagnostic software KENT and HOMEO. He teaches Autopathy and homeopathy at the Prague Homeopathic Academy and lectures in courses on autopathy. He founded the Czech Homeopathic Society and served for many years as its chairperson. In 2022, he received the Award of Excellence; Pioneer in Homeopathy.
Check out these episode highlights:02:27 - Jiri's journey to autopathy09:18 - How did Jiri first discovered homeopathy13:05 - What is autopathy and how does it work16:07 - How can the potency be determined20:40 - Different kinds of preparation for different diseases23:45 - Why not just use natural saliva instead of boiling it27:06 - What more bodily components can be used in autopathy
Know more about Jirihttps://www.autopathy.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

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