Homeopathy Hangout with Eugénie Krüger
The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit www.eugeniekruger.com To learn about Homeopathy, visit https://rumble.com/v5761vh-homeopathyhome.html

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
In this episode, Peter will talk to us about the Woodford Folk Festival, where the ATMS sponsored a tent of homeopaths to help out at the six day and six night event, where they treated a whole variety of different conditions.
Peter Berryman is a qualified Naturopath, Homeopath, Medical Scientist & educator who has spent 30 years+ in clinical practice. Peter is also Director (2007-) and President (2017 -) of the ATMS, with the special role of representing the ATMS on the Chinese Medical Board of NSW, the Australia Council of Chinese Medicine, and the Chinese Medical Board of Australia. He holds a Master of Science (homeopathy), a Bachelor of Medical Science, a Bachelor of Science, a post-graduate diploma in health sciences, an advanced diploma in homeopathy, a diploma in naturopathy, and a post-graduate diploma in education, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Check out these episode highlights:01:54 - What is the Woodford Folk Festival08:06 - How the festival is different from other festivals15:00 - What is the experience like at the dispensary19:03 - Fibonacci home records in water dosing32:14 - Where can people get in touch if they want to get involved35:55 - The future of homeopathy in Australia45:54 - How long does it take for chronic cases to reach the point of cure
Find out more about PeterWebsite: https://www.atms.com.au/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/eugeniekrugerhomeopathy/ Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Homeopath and pharmacist Barbara Roberts was raised with homeopathy but decided to study to become a pharmacist after school. She eventually found her way to a homeopathic college and now works as a Homeopath, after leaving pharmacy in 2022. This gives her a very unique skill set, which means she can draw from the best of both worlds to support her clients.Today, Barbara shares with us the NZ governments latest attempts to suppress natural medicine. It is imperative that every Kiwi stands up to this draconian bill which has the potential to severely limit our access to natural medicine.
To find out more about the submission guidelines regarding the Therapeutic Products Billhttps://www.homeopathy.ac.nz/
Find out more about Barbarahttps://homeopathbarbara.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/eugeniekrugerhomeopathy/ Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Why is it important to study homeopathy, and why now?
In this episode, we'll speak with Marcus to learn more about The Centre for Homeopathic Education, which gives students the chance to reflect on their progress on a psychological, emotional, and spiritual level through both self-development and group work and become successful in their homeopathic practice. We'll also talk about the future of homeopathy and how anyone who is just learning about homeopathy or wants to become a homeopath can get involved.
Marcus Fernandez is the founder and principal of The Centre for Homeopathic Education and has been practicing and teaching homeopathy for the last twenty-six years. Marcus felt there wasn’t yet a homeopathic training course that offered its students an in-depth understanding of both classical and practical modern approaches to homeopathy. He wanted to make homeopathy accessible to all by offering short courses for complete beginners and longer-term licentiate practitioner degree level courses for those who would like to become professional homeopaths. He is passionate about facilitating a community for homeopaths and those who are interested in homeopathy. CHE does this by regularly organizing seminars, conferences, webinars, and postgraduate training courses and by creating an active community on Facebook.
Check out these episode highlights:01:35 - How did Marcus first become acquainted with homeopathy11:03 - The best thing that you can do for your practice17:11 - The future of homeopathy is about sharing and community20:42 - CHE's mission and the various study options available28:19 - The Home Prescriber’s Handbook33:11 - Why homeopaths have to be more visible39:25 - The importance of self-care and self-medication41:47 - Marcus' final message to all listeners
Find out more about Marcushttps://chehomeopathy.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/eugeniekrugerhomeopathy/ Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Are you interested in learning about the benefits of bush flower essences?
Today's episode features Ian White. We'll learn the background and philosophy of flower essences, gain fresh perspectives on the natural world, the plant kingdom, and ourselves, comprehend how our emotional patterns affect us, and learn how to change these patterns in a way that enhances the level of our lives.
Ian White is the founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences and a 5th generation Australian herbalist who has been practicing successfully as a naturopath for 30 years. His great-grandmother worked as a herbalist during Australia's Gold Rush in the 1850s. Ian's grandmother, like her mother before her, was among the first white people to research and use native plants for healing. Ian, as a young boy, grew up in the bush, living next door to his grandmother, and would spend as much time as possible helping her make her herbal tinctures and extracts. She would often take him for walks in the bush, teaching him about the healing qualities of many of the plants and flowers within the Australian landscape. Ian has continued this family tradition, though specializing in the emotional and spiritual qualities of the Australian bush. He is the author of five major books and regularly teaches workshops on the Bush Essences and his Spiritual Essences in over 30 countries.
Check out these episode highlights:04:13 - How did he first get into natural medicine08:23 - What inspired the creation of Australian Bush Flower Essences15:30 - How are the remedies being made17:49 - Old Man Banksia and the indigenous people19:40 - The sunshine method25:10 - The benefits of the bush essences28:06 - The significance of the number 739:48 - Why the bush flower essences are important42:25 - Red and purple vibranium44:09 - What are some powerful plants in the world46:18 - Upcoming courses and workshops
Know more about IanWebsite: https://www.ausflowers.com.au/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/eugeniekrugerhomeopathy/ Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Why should I attend the upcoming Joint American Homeopathic Conference?
In today's episode, I spoke with Christina about the upcoming joint American homeopathy conference, which will take place this year from March 24th to March 26th in San Antonio, TX, as well as the incredible lineup of speakers and guests who will be present. She will also talk about the various ways to participate in or access the event's information if you can't make it in person, including how to get a $20 to the listeners of this podcast.
Christina Donka discovered homeopathy 15 years ago while seeking an alternative to eye surgery for her young son. After one dose of some little white pellets, eye surgery was no longer necessary, and she was determined to learn more! After years of seeing professional homeopaths for family members and animal friends, studying at home, and suggesting homeopathy to those in need, she decided to study formally and become a classical homeopath. She loves helping people learn how to use nourishing food as medicine and believes that nutrition coupled with homeopathy is a powerful combination for optimal wellness. She is passionate about advocating for homeopathy as a non-toxic and cost-effective wellness option, while also empowering individuals to stand up for their healthcare rights. Also a certified public accountant, she began her career as an auditor at Arthur Andersen in Chicago. Since 2021, she has been able to merge her love of accounting with her passion for homeopathy on a daily basis as Executive Director of the National Center for Homeopathy.
Check out these episode highlights:02:03 - How Christina first discovered homeopathy05:11 - What brought her to the National Center for Homeopathy?07:20 - The Joint American Homeopathic Conference12:10 - What options are there for those who can't attend in person to still participate in the event16:58 - Who are some of the people we can expect to hear from the event22:15 - The benefit of introducing children to homeopathy at a young age26:56 - How to add a $20 discount to the event's already reasonable price
For further questions about the event, please email atinfo@homeopathycenter.orgexecutive.director@homeopathycenter.org
Know more about ChristinaWebsite: https://homeopathycenter.org/Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-donka-21443a12/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/eugeniekrugerhomeopathy/ Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Do you want to learn about the wonders of homeopathy in the treatment of autism, ADHD, fungal infections, and other related conditions?
In this episode, Wren will discuss how homeopathy can benefit kids who suffer from medical conditions like autism and ADHD. She will also discuss how homeopathy can be used to treat chronic conditions and acute childhood diseases and the importance of proper breathing.
Wren Síofra Lloyd is a UK-based homeopath known as an "international homeopath." She specializes in working with children with autism spectrum symptoms and related conditions like PANDAS, ADHD, and fungal and metal toxicity. She is also the founder of an international homeopathic autism association. And she also trains homeopaths in building their practices with a view to helping meet the world's need for homeopaths.
Check out these episode highlights:01:08 - How did Wren first introduce to homeopathy07:41 - Scarcity mindset vs Abundance mindset09:41 - The advantage of working with a team of homeopaths15:22 - Treating block cases of autism17:50 - Why do more boys have autism than girls30:01 - Chronic conditions in children34:16 - Why is breathwork so powerful36:59 - How homeopathy can benefit humanity in a variety of ways
Know more about WrenWebsite: https://internationalhomeopath.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sally.lloyd.3939/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies
Follow me on Instagram @eugeniekrugerhomeopathy Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Have you already discovered the incredible power of homeopathy?
In today's episode, I spoke with Dr. Ritu Kinra about her extensive experience using homeopathy to treat clients. She’ll also be speaking with us about the importance of gut health and how we can use homeopathy in parallel with pharmaceutical medication.
Dr. Ritu Kinra Tangri is a homeopathic physician who graduated from Delhi University with a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. She was the top student in her college and has done extensive research in the field of materia medica. She is now the author of numerous texts on the subject.
Check out these episode highlights:02:04 - How Ritu first discovered homeopathy04:19 - What is the content of her book Materia Medica for Students06:59 - The significance of understanding the concept of medicine09:32 - Homeopathy can be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical medication12:47 - The impact of antibiotics on our gut health13:38 - What is gut health21:24 - How does stress present in children27:04 - The use of Agaricus in the treatment of chronic pain33:22 - Mercury compounds are very helpful with tonsillitis34:50 - How homeopathy helps her dog with conjunctivitis37:38 - Taking homeopathy for sports injuries47:32 - The definition of a healer
Know more about Dr. Ritu Kinra Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ritu.tangri/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Did you know that a child's breathing pattern influences every aspect of their development?
In today's episode, I interviewed Dr. Shereen Lim, who will share her knowledge of airway health and tongue-tie solutions to help children achieve greater health and wellness. She will also discuss the symptoms that are frequently treated without taking into account underlying airway issues, how to aid the jaws to grow properly, and how to promote airway health.
Dr. Shereen Lim was one of Australia’s first handful of dentists to obtain a qualification in dental sleep medicine and has a decade of experience working with patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. She is an engaging speaker who is calling for a reformed approach to care. Rather than managing dysfunctional breathing and its consequences, Dr. Lim is focused on promoting airway health. This means promoting good airway development and reinforcing nasal breathing from infancy as keys to good sleep, thriving, and long-term health. Dr. Lim regularly sees infants through adults and has been able to pinpoint the issues in infancy that lead to bigger problems down the track. She is passionate about educating child health professionals from a variety of fields to recognize the earliest warning signs of poor airway health, including poor oral function and poor jaw development, and promote collaborative care to address these as early as possible. Her vision is to help more children receive timely care to breathe, sleep, and thrive to their full potential, and avoid growing into more serious problems later in life.
Check out these episode highlights:03:59 - What is airway health06:56 - What signs should parents look for in their children that may indicate poor airway health12:57 - The significance of breastfeeding in muscle development16:32 - How can we start to help children with sleep issues22:00 - The importance of tongue tie assessment and how it can help prevent future issues
Know more about Dr Shereenhttps://www.drshereenlim.com.au/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Do you have pets in your house? Do you know that homeopathic remedies can benefit not only our families but also our pets?
In today's episode, I interviewed Dr. Todd Cooney. He will provide you with a wealth of information on how homeopathy can benefit animals. We'll also go over animal vaccinations and their side effects, as well as alternatives if you don't want your pets vaccinated.
Todd Cooney always loved animals and had the desire to help them, thanks to his parents, who allowed him to bring a menagerie of domestic and wild animals home and care for them. After over 20 years of traditional veterinary practice, he had a personal health crisis that made him question the wisdom of drugs and vaccines. Holistic medical wisdom made him well again. Looking at alternatives, he took Dr. Pitcairn's homeopathy course, which changed my thinking on everything medical. The more he learns, the more he appreciates the elegance of homeopathy, combined with excellent nutrition. He sees the results in his own health and that of my animal friends. Above all, he has a clear conscience, knowing he is following the first rule of medicine, "Above all, do no harm."
Check out these episode highlights:00:00 - Introduction to Dr. Todd Cooney02:17 - Todd’s first introduction to Homeopathy03:39 - What has led Todd to use homeopathy over conventional treatment for animals04:32 - Why Todd enjoys treating animals06:12 - Animals have emotions and personalities too08:13 - How do vaccinations act on animals and what options are available in homeopathy14:12 - What are some of the most common side effects of vaccines on animals19:04 - The options if you don’t want your animals to get vaccinated25:14 - What is a Nosodes and what sort of Nosodes are used for dogs and cats
Know more about Toddhttps://www.naturalanimalconsulting.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Do you want to learn more about mega potencies and the remarkable results they provide?
This episode will feature a conversation with Jill on her remarkable and significant body of work, the mega potencies, which homeopaths and their patients may all use to their advantage going forward.
Jill Turland studied homeopathy in Sydney under Alan Jones. In practice since 1979, she is one of Australia’s most experienced practitioners. In 1984, she initiated the illustrious academic journal, ‘Similia’, which she edited for four years. Research into common trauma remedies started in 1991 when she began to refine her understanding of the psychology of injuries and the corresponding benefits of injury remedies in resolving our major epidemic of chronic diseases. Jill has been associated for many years with osteopaths and chiropractors and has been working since 1990 with Bryan Barrass, an osteopathic chiropractor with a great interest in homeopathy. Together, they have researched the homeopathic remedies applicable to muscular and skeletal patterns and the emotional origins of these patterns. This is the main thrust of the clinical, qualitative research - the use of very high-potency homeopathic remedies for the resolution of guilt, grief, and fears and their subsequent physical illnesses. Combining psychoneuroimmunology and quantum mechanics with chiropractic and osteopathic wisdom, Jill has been able to expand her understanding of how homeopathic remedies work, placing homeopathy on a sound scientific footing. Through this knowledge, many complex chronic physical problems are being resolved, and the understanding of the mental aspects of common homeopathic remedies is being expanded beyond previous boundaries - to date, Aconite, Arnica, China, Conium, Gelsemium, Hydrastis, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ledum, Natrum muriaticum, Ruta graveolens, Staphisagria, and Symphytum. These remedies and the story of their amazing new uses are written up in detail in ‘Getting Back On Track Using Megapotency Homeopathy.". Jill and Bryan have now retired and enjoy living in a small country town in NSW.
Check out these episode highlights:04:53 - How Jill first discovered homeopathy20:31 - What are mega potencies27:54 - Homeopathy has the ability to affect muscle and skeletal alterations32:49 - What inspires Jill to begin learning about mega potencies36:44 - Head cold symptoms picture and the pendulum39:17 - Jill's amazing experience using radionics developed by David Tansley4252 - Why homeopaths have a hard time with skeptics44:39 - How mega potencies can make structural changes53:07 - How mega potencies work in chronic vs acute situations01:07:01 - How to know when to stop a remedy
Connect with JillWebsite: https://www.homeopathy-thetruehealing.com/
If you would like to support the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast, please consider making a donation by visiting www.EugenieKruger.com and click the DONATE button at the top of the site. Every donation about $10 will receive a shout-out on a future episode. Join my Homeopathy Hangout Podcast Facebook community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelloHomies Here is the link to my free 30-minute Homeopathy@Home online course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqBUpxO4pZQ&t=438s Upon completion of the course - and if you live in Australia - you can join my Facebook group for free acute advice (you’ll need to answer a couple of questions about the course upon request to join): www.facebook.com/groups/eughom